Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Where is this all leading?

What am I getting at, you ask? I want you to be able to relate to me and who I am in order for you to listen to what I have to say. If you don’t know me or trust what I am saying then it is unlikely that you will believe me when I tell you what to do to be successful. How do you relate to me and my situation? Let me tell you more about me and maybe something I say will spark something inside of you that will help you to relate better.

I am a 29 year old Mother of two young boys. Emory Julian is 2 years old and Ellis Quinn in 9 months. I have a background in sales and marketing prior to having children. I worked at several different higher education schools in Arizona, Colorado and Minnesota, where I sold the dream of a bright future to people who thought they could never achieve that. I found it to be a difficult sale because I was typically talking to people who didn’t believe in themselves and had never had anyone who did. I was the first person in their lives to believe that they could be anything that they could dream up. I not only had to convince myself of that but I also had to induce self love and motivation from deep within the student. When I was successful I felt like I was on top of the world. I believe that if I can do this I can do it all. I quit my job when I became pregnant with my first child and have not been back to work since (almost 3 years). Although it has not been easy financially, my husband and I are willing to make the sacrifice for our children. Instead of getting my nails done each week, I now buy diapers and formula. Even though I would love to get my nails done more than twice a year, I am not willing to give up the bond I have with my children to do so. I know that many people are not in a position to stay at home with their children and that is why I am trying to help those individuals to succeed. I believe that I was born with a gift to lead people and I am finally finding the outlet and environment where I can do that. I will speak later about what I am exactly talking about but for now just keep reading, continue thinking and believe that we will go far together.

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